About Us

“I am the wind on the sea; I am the wave of the sea; I am the bull of seven battles; I am the eagle on the rock; I am a flash from the sun; I am the most beautiful of plants; I am a strong wild boar; I am a salmon in the water; I am a lake in the plain; I am the word of knowledge; I am the head of the spear in battle; I am the god that puts fire in the head; Who spreads light in the gathering on the hills? Who can tell the ages of the moon? Who can tell the place where the sun rests?”

– Amergin

We started as a small group of friends with a goal of providing a fun and easy outlet for likeminded followers of Celtic or Irish paganism and modern Druidry to connect and share. Our main members and organizers are a very mixed group from Ireland, Canada, Britain and the United States.

About our journal writers…

Mawie Barrett is a Druid who grew up in the Comeragh Mountains in Co Waterford, Ireland. She defines herself as a mountain woman. She believes that there is a language in landscape that seeps into her by osmosis and fires her imagination. Her work is sprinkled with metaphor; the ordinary everyday event trickles out of her subconscious and tells the deeper story. Her forte thusfar is history, which she expresses in fiction and nonfiction. Writing brings Mawie great joy and expression, it is the place where she channels her insights and reflections. Nature, people and travel are her major influences. She blogs too, and you can read more about her here and discover more of her work at www.druidscribe.com.

Searles O’Dubhain is an American Celtic scholar, writer and story teller who has been practicing Druidry for over 30 years. Searles created ‘The Summerlands’, one of the very first beloved online Celtic pagan communities in the early 90’s. He additionally published ‘Ogham Divination’, that lays a detailed and creative pathway of recreating and discovering the ancient ways of the Druids. This and much more available on his website www.summerlands.com.

David Halpin is a writer from Tallaght, now living on the Carlow/ Wicklow border. He has been writing about Irish Forteana and spirituality for over thirty years and has had his articles published in magazines and books throughout the world. David’s photographs of Ireland’s sacred sites have been published in journals and articles worldwide and in 2020 were included in An Taisce’s annual report on the Irish landscape. David is also a reviewer of esoteric writing and as well as publishing for The Occult Book Review, he also contributes regularly to newspapers, magazines and online publications. His articles have appeared in The Wild Hunt, New Dawn Magazine, Coire Ansic, and he is a regular contributor to Ancient Origins. David also runs the blog, Circle Stories, where he focuses his writing upon the topics of consciousness and folklore.

Isla Skye is an American Irish mother, teacher, author and herbalist that splits her time between the states and Ireland. She has studied the Druids and related practices for over fifteen years. She has a Bachelor’s in teaching and has finished multiple courses on herbalism through the Herbal Academy and Rosemary Gladstar. She is currently working through degrees in counseling and Celtic Civilizations/Irish Literature with the hopes of one day being a free of charge transpersonal therapist alongside her teaching career (the way that healing was shared for free in times of old). Her life purpose is simply to be a support in her respective communities, especially to children or those struggling with severe personal trauma. She has written and self published several children’s stories based on old folklore. Her hobbies are reading, camping, hiking or just family time.

Tricia O’Connor is an artist, teacher and mystic hailing from County Kerry, Ireland. When the lockdown hit in 2020, she took the opportunity to craft a deck of cards, blending her artistic skills with a touch of wisdom from the ascended masters she’s worked with over the years. They’re a chatty lot, constantly bringing through new pearls of wisdom for her whenever she works with them and they always have something insightful to add in the Visionary card readings she facilitates for others. She believes this land of Ireland is sacred and the cards she’s created hold a bit of nature’s wisdom and its laws, subtly woven into the characters. Life’s true wisdom, she believes, is embedded in the song of nature. As a meditation and somatic teacher and an energy medicine practitioner, she shares these gifts in her school of magic and during Visionary Card Readings. With a B.A. in Fine Art and an M.A. in Social Practice and the Creative Environment, she’s also delved into meditation, somatic movement, magic, intuition, and honed my seer abilities. Nature and the magic realms of Ireland have always been my muse. You might catch her at festivals, vintage markets, or galleries, showcasing her work and offering card readings. Her inspiration? Well, it comes from the moon cycles, nature, and the twists and turns of life’s adventures. So, join her on this journey where art and magic collide!

If you’d like a visionary card reading or to work with her 1:1 you can find out more here: www.triciaoconnor.com/work-with-me

You can check out her latest blog posts here:

Eileen Budd is an artist & storyteller raised in Perthshire amid a rich oral storytelling culture. She has been working with museums for nearly 20 years, using storytelling as a way of interpreting and sharing knowledge of history and Scottish folk tradition. Her fully illustrated book ‘Ossian Warrior Poet’ and mini book ‘Scottish Druids’ can be bought here: https://wideopensea.co.uk/ossian/. Eileen hosts regular public storytelling events as well as events with schools. You can keep track of what she’s up to online: www.ossianwarriorpoet.com and on Instagram: @eileenbudd.

Sharon Paice MacLeod is a Celticist, author and musician. She is an Old Irish translator at Stanford University and has published several renowned books on Celtic religion including ‘Celtic Myth and Religion: A Study of Traditional Belief‘ as well as ‘Celtic Cosmology and the Otherworld: Mythic Origins, Sovereignty and Liminality’. You can read more about her here.

Aoife Ní hEochaidh is a daughter to the Land of Éire. Devoted to inspiring & healing cultural identity, land and ancestral relationship. Aoife is an herbalist, musician, ceremonialist, writer, student and guide of tradition. You can read more about here here and find her on instagram at @aoifededanann.

Nimue Brown is an author, dreamer, folk enthusiast, parent, wife to the most amazing artist -Tom Brown. She has her own blog as well as patreon. Exploring life as a Pagan, seeking good and meaningful ways to be, struggling with mental health issues and worried about many things. She has published many renowned books on Druidry including ‘Druidry and the Ancestors: Finding our place in our own history‘ and ‘Druidry and Meditation.’ Read more about her here.

Nick O’ Connor is a writer who has been involved in the Druid community for over 20 years with extensive knowledge in the overlap of cross cultural beliefs regarding occult communities and how they have evolved from times of old to the present. You can read more about him here and find more of his work at https://gyldenfellowship.co.uk/.

Mark Fitzpatrick is a teacher, writer, and independent scholar, specialising in the Weird and the Wonderful. He has a PhD in Literature from the Université de Paris – Sorbonne Nouvelle, and is intermittently an invited lecturer in several Paris universities. He has been exploring magic and druidry for over twenty years. Originally from Cork, he spent twenty years in Paris, living in garrets and trying to get his novels published. When this proved to no avail, he began publishing his work online on his website thehollowbehindthehearthstone.com, under a variety of aliases, and his first novel, Unreal City, is coming out in late 2022. He has recently moved to Aquitaine, where he lives in a little house on the grounds of a Strange Crumbling Manor, with his wife, his two children, a Wicked Uncle, and two and half cats. As well as The Hollow Behind the Hearthstone, you can find Mark’s work on Instagram @the_hedge_school, and on his Facebook Page, The Hedge School. Read more about him here.

Daithí Ó Nuanáin is a professional singer from Dublin with degrees in Irish (Nua-Ghaeilge) and music, specialising in Ritual Chant & Song. He sings primarily with international ensembles ANÚNA and M’ANAM, and also consults in Irish/Gallic text translations for recording projects. He is a trained Celebrant, and merges this with his musical talents under his brand name VICELT. Read more about him here and find more of his work at www.vicelt.com.

We are proud yearly supporters of the following wonderful organizations…

Woodland League – The Woodland League is a not-for-profit, independent, community-based organisation. Our aim is to restore the relationship between people and their native woodlands. We hold walks and talks throughout the country promoting native woodland heritage and actively lobby to change Irish forestry policy. www.woodlandleague.org

Gaelic Woodland Project – We are a registered skill-sharing charity founded to create a
commemorative woodland dedicated to Éire and the Irish Diaspora; and to protect forests from invasive species. gaelicwoodlandproject.com

Reforest Nation – Ireland was once the most forested country in Europe but today just 2% of our native woodland remains. 10% of Ireland has been planted up with harmful non-native conifer monocultures. We believe to rewild the world planting diverse native forest is vital, this is why we plant the most diverse range of certified native trees in Ireland. www.reforestnation.ie

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